Framed and unframed gratings
Unframed gratings
Panel – it is an unframed grating with bearing bars of a standard length of L=6050
- Exemplary marking:
panel KNZ/34,3×38,1/30×2/L=6050/B=1000/ . - Mats can have also different lengths, for example L=6100, L=5800, L=3050
Worth knowing: Tolerance for L +/- 10 mm
Fig. 1. Panels
KNZ – is a product obtained from a mat of specific parameters:
- Exemplary marking: KNZ/34,3×38,1 /30×2/L=1200/B=1000/….
- Parameter L may adopt any value, however, it is recommended that parameter B is compliant with the flat bar distances table (Table 2).
Worth knowing: Tolerances for KNZ are the same as for framed gratings.
Framed grating
KOZ – is a grating which has borders on each side of its flat bar ends
- Exemplary marking: KOZ/34,3×38,1/30×2/L=1000/B=1000/.. .
- Parameter L may adopt any value, while parameter B may be of any value up to 1990 mm.
Frame types:
Standard – the height of the frame is the same as the bearing bar length; for bearing bars of a thickness g= 2 and 3 mm the frame thickness is g=2 mm (optionally g=3 mm)
- The majority of gratings are framed by sealing boarders to them.
- In some cases, boarders are welded.
AKP – is a sideboard, 3mm thick, which exceeds by 50 mm the surface of the grating at a chosen length.
MAG – is a type of frame that allows the use of gratings in warehouses
- It is a 2mm-thick frame, which exceeds by 30 mm the surface of the grating at a specific length.